Placing Your Order

Placing an Order with NeonMegastore

Ordering from NeonMegastore is a straightforward process. Follow these easy steps to complete your purchase:

Step 1: Choose Your Item

  • Click on the item you wish to buy to view detailed specifications and pricing.
  • Click the 'Add To Cart' button to add the item to your shopping cart.

Step 2: Review Your Cart

  • Your shopping cart functions like a regular store basket, allowing you to keep your selected items as you continue browsing.
  • After adding an item, you'll be prompted to choose between 'Continue Shopping' or 'View Cart & Checkout.'
  • Select 'Continue Shopping' to add more items or 'View Cart & Checkout' to proceed to checkout.

Step 3: Checkout

  • When you've added all desired items to your cart, click on the shopping cart icon in the top right corner and select 'Checkout.'
  • You'll be directed to a page where you'll provide your email address, contact/billing details, shipping information, preferred shipping method, and payment information.
  • Please double-check the accuracy of the information you enter.

Step 4: Payment

  • In the 'Payment Information' section, choose your preferred payment method: 'Credit/Debit Card' or 'Personal Cheque/Money/Bank Transfer.'
  • Once you've made your selection, proceed to the 'Order Review' section.

Step 5: Review and Confirm

  • In the 'Order Review' section, you'll see a summary of your order, including item(s), shipping costs, and the total price.
  • Review all details to ensure accuracy before finalizing your purchase.

Step 6: Payment

  • Once you're satisfied with your order details, proceed to payment.

Should you encounter any issues or have questions, don't hesitate to contact us via our 'Contact Us' page.

Shopping with NeonMegastore is quick, secure, and hassle-free. Thank you for choosing us for your beauty needs!